Welcome To
Rule The Ark
Looking for a truly unique PS4 Ark Cluster Server? Well, look no further!. RuleTheArk is a PS Ark cluster server with average boosted rates of up to x15, very well balanced and maintained servers. With a very structured set up and dedicated team, it's one of the best arks out there, but I'll leave that decision up to you. We have a lot of settings and configuration to give you an enjoyable experience on our servers. It's the perfect server to rule the ark. Our cluster a variety of maps, and limited to set maps to improve the PvP experience. We also have a dedicated rotational server to add a new dynamic to the season, along with our decided events and reward server. Our exclusive stat tracking system is unlike any other.
Our Promise
Here at RuleTheArk, we believe in building a fun and fair community. As many of you know, servers like ourselves are possible thanks to the generous donations by our members.
At RTA, we will never be pay to win because we have multiple limits in place at our shop. This means people cannot just buy their way to the top. All our dinos are also spayed, and imprints are only available as a special event.
Our Solution
We believe in rewarding our players, we do this using our bespoke economy system. The idea of the RTACoins economy is to reward the people that make the server what it is.
People who donate are critical to the growth of the server. However, you don’t have to spend real money on our servers to be rewarded, we believe in building a community where everyone can gain rewards, regardless if they can afford to donate to the server or not.
Player Stat Tracking
Average Rates - x15
Max Player Level - 150
Rotational Server - Cycles Every 2 Days
Tribe Stat Tracking
Structure Collision - Disabled
Dino Level Ups - 105
Custom Built Challenges & Events
RTA Economy
Teaming - Forbidden
Tribe Limit - 6
Purge Weekends + ORP Weekdays
We Reward Our Players!
What makes us so unique is our one of a discord bot. With this, you can track your player and tribe statistics all through our discord server. Find out how much you have played, how often as well as statistics for your tribe and members, including kills, tames and so much more.
Exclusive to RuleTheArk, we reward our players for the hours they put into our servers. You can earn points based on the number of factors such as the number of hours your play on our servers. You will be able to trade your points to buy items from the shop totally free just by playing what you already love!. This is a feature no other servers have; you can track your game time and points straight through our discord!.
We use this to build a full economy system in which you can earn RTACoins and compete with survivors. These coins can be used to redeem rewards and enter raffles and lottos. Learn more here: RTA Rewards
Our goal is to become a large exciting Ark community. We have many events and features lined up!. Whether that’s a community boss fight, maze runs, jumping puzzles, dino hunts and so much more.
Thank you for showing your interest. We hope you stay for the long road ahead!. Don’t forget to join our discord for all the action!